Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What year is this?


I said I wasn’t going to give this attention in this venue… But that was a stupid claim. I suppose I feel like, what can one person do? And I don’t even have that many followers so how many people would actually see this? But it doesn’t matter.

This white on Black brutality at the hands of the police is some bullshit!

This situation has also given me moments of contemplation.

My parents come from that marching, boycotting generation. They were very proud that they had eradicated racism and now we were all completely equal. Funny… they are strangely quiet now that racism has re-reared its ugly head. If it was cured, then the issues of our children getting killed by white people shouldn’t exist, right? The “stand your ground laws” would never have been passed, correct?

My Cee on this violence is what public lynchings were in it’s time. A way for white people to scare Black people into submission. Simple as that.

Planning to boycott white businesses is stupid for a few reasons…
• First reason is we would never be able to boycott long enough for it to have an effect. One day? Really??? Are you stupid? People don’t buy things on Christmas and businesses don’t fold. When the business heads hear about it, they know people will either spend their money the day before or the day after.
• Black people don’t own credit card companies, banks, gas stations, grocery stores, buses, etc. One of the unintended effects of the civil rights era is that Black people were free to work in white business and patronize white establishments. For many… white is better. So Black businesses were effectively smothered. We don’t have enough for us to keep our money in our own communities.
• Fraternizing with white folks has allowed us to take on their values. They don’t care about folks outside of themselves. And now we don’t either. We are all about “Me 1st.”
• Yet another reason why boycotts won’t work is because white folks are ready for them. We boycotted and marched in the 60’s. white folks wasn’t ready for that so it was an effective exercise. They are ready now. I won’t work in 2014. EXAMPLE: Look at ford Motor company… Henry Ford was a raging anti-semite. He even commandeered a newspaper spouting his views. Jews for GENERATIONS refused to buy Fords. If boycotts worked, Ford would have ceased to exist somewhere around the 1950’s. When was the last time you saw a Ford? Right!

They got us in a literal choke hold people.

Leaders don’t work. white folks are looking for one too…. Obama can’t be a “Black Leader.” He is still working hard to be the super non-confrontational and benign yet effective so that another, but long into the future Black POTUS can happen again. Sharpton is a snitch. Jesse is messy. John Lewis is a joke. Nelly… well that wasn’t ever gonna happen. There are no leaders coming to save us folks. And we don’t need one. Causes need leaders. People/races don’t. That would make it a kingdom… Blacktopia… and not a movement. Each individual Black person is capable of making decisions for themselves.

Prayer doesn't work, I'm sorry to tell you. If prayer worked, I'd have a great job, I'd have hit the lottery for a jillion dollars and all my dead people would still be alive. And this wouldn't a problem because white folks wouldn't exist. So....

I’m not judging the actions of ANYBODY in Ferguson… except the police. They can’t be this stupid. The people are mad that the police killed an innocent child. The boy was 18. Have you met an 18 year old that was a responsible adult-acting adult? I’ll wait. Does anybody even know how long he’d been 18? C’mon son….. The police are the reason why folks are mad. If the police left… the violence would stop. The cops with their mere presence incited these riots. I suspect they want to try out there new riot gear and what better way? I ain’t mad at riots either. Folks may not think violence is the solution. But violence ALWAYS sparks a reaction.

Now I wouldn’t Build without my own plan. I have one. But I’m not sharing it. Part of the reason why the efforts in Ferguson aren’t successful is because it leaks out and white people have time to counteract the plan before it even has a chance to work. Negroes tell the white man their secrets to stay on their good sides. It is in their best interests for the races to be at odds with each other. There is more of them than us... no matter what you’ve heard. They have all the tools needed for living and we have nothing…. Absolutely NOTHING. Right now… evaluate your food clothing and shelter and tell me where you get them from? They hold us hostage with their jobs, assistance, mortgages, credit scores, banks, stores, etc…. We done got Stockholm syndrome. It hurts me to admit, American Black people cannot live without the white man’s interventions. They designed it like that to trap us. And we are all caught. We worship money with white faces.

But if you take anything from this Build take this…. There are no such things as “Good white people.” There are white people. And none of them would trade places with you or lay their lives down for you. When have they done you a solid? And why do y’all feel compelled to love those who don’t love you back? Wake the fuck up please! They would not inconvenience themselves for you. Keep that in mind… and keep it moving.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why You Want That?


Money is an illusion.

Possessions are a burden.

So why do we want these things?

I read a book recently (Akata Witch… I like scifi… don’t judge me) that gave me moments of consideration. The book wasn’t about money or possessions but it did discuss how more important study and Knowledge is vs. material possessions. And that it is often the quest for material possessions which will turn a person from nice or even benign to evil.

I get that money (and possessions… I’m not going to keep saying possessions, but you know I’m including them) is necessary because it provides a consistent measure of bartering. But I also know that money is just paper. And without the imbued validation by folks it is worthless. Where it goes awry is that people use money to judge another’s value and success. A homeless person is deemed less valuable than a person living in a mansion. Just because ea person is homeless doesn’t mean they don’t have money. I have personally built with homeless people that have pockets filled with dough. A person catching the bus or without a car is deemed less valuable than a person with a hummer. Maybe they have some irrational fear of driving and catch mass transit to their Fortune 500 employment. People who live in NYC are notorious for not owning cars. And in NYC folks don’t judge like that. But they do here in Atlanta…. Even quality is judged… A person in a Gremlin is deem less smart/successful/everything than a person in a Lexus. And this judgment comes often on face value! You can never be certain what people have.

You see a person stepping in tall grass and you think they have it all together. Well they owe $100+ in student loans, and are paying a $5K mortgage with a $900 car note, their kids in private schools and charged up the yinyang. They owe more than they make. I remember Donald Trump saying in an interview, that when he went bankrupt he looked at a homeless man and thought this person has more cash money than he did because he owed millions and they owed nothing. Is that the success you want?

Or…. You can look at a person living in a modest house driving a modest car with their kids in public school. That second person’s car is paid off, they inherited the house form their grandmother and all their bills get paid. At the end of the month and they have some extra. Some people like living in tiny houses. Who is the most successful in these scenarios? There is no right answer… and that’s okay.

Possessions are a drudge. Again, I get that they are necessary… but there comes a point when you have to ask, “How much is enough?” when you move, you should be eager to collect and box your stuff not dread it because it’s a process. I bear witness that I was a happier person when I had less stuff. I wasn’t a poor child, but my parents weren’t about spoiling children. I have very little personal items as a child. And I never had a lot of clothes, shoes or accessories. It was easy to get dressed and easy to move. But when I moved to my previous home I had, for the 1st time a walk-in closet. My few clothes looked paltry in there. By the time I moved out it was ridiculous. I didn’t want to move because I didn’t want to pack. I sent half of the clothes to the Goodwill and still had more clothes than my current closet can handle. That isht is a burden. Yes I love my clothes but if I had to run out in a rush, I couldn’t take them all with me. I was watching “Tiny House” and this woman’s original home got burned up in a fire. She knew it was coming and had time to grab some items. The stuff she took revealed what she found important: her husbands jacket and slippers, some pictures and a stuffed animal.

My point with this build is to get you to consider if the life you have chosen to live is actually the right one for you. Our degrees say that we are "Poor, righteous teachers." That does not mean we are broke and in need of teaching jobs. It means that we know that the term poor is defined by those with money. Why would you let Other folks determine your values? We know (Or some of us know) that our value is not defined by what we have but by what we are doing. If you are happy, safe and fulfilled by living in a shack... then shack on! You do not have to show off for the masses unless that males you happy, safe and fulfilled. Some folks feel compelled to compete with others and feel some kind of way when they get bested. And guess what? When you choose to compete with others you ALWAYS lose. If you are good and can sleep at night because you are living precisely as you want… keep it pushing. But if your life stresses you out… recalculate. If you don’t have what you feel you deserve; either figure how to get what you need or reevaluate if this is the path you should be walking.

Collecting money is like collecting decorative plates and spoons. It’s only valuable because you made it that way.


Thursday, August 14, 2014



You know I appreciate learned individual. I do. It takes a special person who has the discipline to sit down and do all manor of research before they act. And one of our Nation’s mottos is “Babies are the Greatest.” I see the term “Babies” to mean one that is teachable. As folks grow older, I suspect because of life experience and accumulated Knowledge, they tend to become less and less teachable, simply because they refuse to take on new information. B.U.T…… what I think people forget… Is we are not just about the acquisition of Knowledge. The Very next degree tells you to move!

So many people jaw-jack. Yes… I’m country… at times!!! Jaw-jacking is when folks sit around espousing on all the knowledge they have acquired. That’s fine because you may spark somebody… But at some point you must do something with all that Knowledge. Otherwise it slips into the realm of trick-Knowledge.

Example… I have Built before that I am learning a new language. Cool. I’m acquiring that Knowledge. But I have been speaking it to a few people that I know who speak that language (and they are tickled, that I, an American, am willing to learn their language). The office I work has gotten some new patients because of the exercise. See? Knowledge the Wisdom.

Example… I’m a dentist. And even though my career has been “non-traditional” I have managed to impart my excitement about the field to other people and aid them in their desire to pursue the profession. My Knowledge led to Wisdom.

Example…. I was curious about how to make crack cocaine. I have never used an illegal substance in my life. That includes weed. But… I was curious. I saw a video on youtube. OK. I acquired a piece of Knowledge. But unless someone walks up to me and says answer this question and I will give you a million dollars (or even $5), someone hold s a gun to my head and insists I answer a crack question or I end up on Jeopardy… I put a useless piece of information in my head

Alls I’m saying is don’t just hoard… be useful with it.
